Adult English Ministry (AEM)
The English ministry of Trinity Church started with the formation of this church in March of 2002, when TCCGP held its first worship service at the Delaware County Christian School with the successful merger of three smaller Chinese churches: Salvation Chinese Christian Church, Mainline Chinese Christian Church, and Chinese Church of Philadelphia.
We hold Sunday schools in the morning before service from 9:30 am -10:45 am, while the Chinese congregation holds their worship service. We then switch places and the EM service is held from 11:15 am -12:30 pm. We also have various fellowship groups organized by life stages that meet at different times during the week.
We have a burden for the Christian family: our own nuclear families as well as for the larger church family. We seek healthy relationships between husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters in the church and our neighbors wherever we go. We have a special care to help Asian-Americans discover their identity and purpose in Christ, to support parents who have adopted children from China and other parts of Asia, and to develop a welcoming atmosphere for all cultures to worship.
Youth Ministry – W2W (Water to Wine) Student Ministry
David Liu is our full-time assistant pastor responsible for overseeing all aspects of children and youth ministries. He is primarily responsible for Junior and Senior High programs (6-12) with secondary responsibilities regarding the children’s program.
The youth at TCCGP has their fellowship time on Friday evenings or on the weekends for special events. W2W consists of four major components: Games & Activities, Music Worship, Bible Study or Special Topics Discussion and Closing Prayers. The youth can also stay afterwards for snacks and socializing.
Occasionally, there will be activities held outside of the church; such as bowling night, mini-golf night, ice-skating, etc. Every Sunday morning, the youth has Sunday School from 9:45 am to 10:45 am. They will learn from various biblical lessons/teachings and reformed theology during this period. Afterwards, we join our English-speaking adults in a combined Intergenerational Sunday Worship.
Every Spring there is a three-day long youth-only retreat at a selected Christian Campsite. Every Summer there is a short-term mission held in the Hunting Park area of Philly, the youth helps out running their Vacation Bible School program. They also help run the VBS program at TCCGP each August.
We welcome youths from all different ethnic backgrounds to join us in our journey of following Jesus’ footsteps to walk with God.
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8
Our Mission
Our purpose as a youth ministry is to glorify God by seeing believing and unbelieving students become committed followers of Jesus Christ by partnering with their parents, helping them grow spiritually, and find their identity in Christ.
Our Vision
Our vision is to have a community of students that know Christ and are growing spiritually by living out their spiritual disciplines through their identity in Christ.
Our Values
The Bible is the focal point.
We seek to exalt and proclaim Jesus Christ and His work.
We strive to maintain a high view of God.
We focus on biblical and clear life-changing teaching.
We teach a biblical view of man.
We are committed to making passionate disciples through grace-centered relationships, who long to reach our generation with the Gospel.
We encourage and rely on prayer.
We desire to love and encourage others with radical generosity.
We look to student leaders who are excellent in speech, love, life, faith, and purity.
We strive to foster a safe and relevant culture of joyful worship.
Our Name
Our group’s name, Water to Wine, comes from the biblical story of Jesus’s first miracle of turning water into wine.